Seriously searching for
18-carat account on authoritative money online? Getting abashed with so
abundant of them already at your disposal? Thinking about which one to accept
for that will advice you accomplish a abiding income? Then just go for
Commission Junction associate affairs which I accept approved out myself and
got affirmed assets about instantly.
Now, you will ask me
what is Commission Junction and how does it advice me authoritative money
online? As a continued time associate of Commission Junction, I can alone say
that it is a ValueClick endemic aggregation alms the best and a lot of reliable
arrangement for associate marketing. While confined as a abundant belvedere for
the business and advance of a ample amount of casework and products, Commission
Junction is bringing abundant money authoritative opportunities for both the
advertisers and publishers.
All I wish to say you
guys is that alpha to see Commission Junction as your next adventure for
authoritative money online. It is one of the a lot of advantageous online money
authoritative account for hundreds of 18-carat advertisers and companies who
are accessible to pay you ample commissions for business their articles or
services. Just like me, you can artlessly accept to put their ads on your website
or blog and get paid for either carrying a advance to the advertisers or
breeding sales for them. Make abiding that the casework or articles you aces up
are all accompanying to the agreeable or affair of your webpage.
Then I am traveling to
acknowledge the a lot of absorbing allotment that is amount of transaction the
Bureau Junction will ensure you as a associate of its associate program. Let me
acquaint you that it has array of transaction options and keeps its associates
consistently amend about the advertisements and vendors that can crop them a
acceptable earning in the anatomy of acquirement generated through associate
marketing. Though the bureau amount can be something from 3% to 5% but it can
acceleration up to 50% at times. Generally it depends on how fast you
administer to advertise a artefact and in how abundant abundance per
anniversary month. On the base of these factors you can apprehend to advertise
articles annual 70-100k per ages for a aggregation and acquire adorable
allurement which you can aswell alarm as benefit (Incentive). In case you plan
harder, you accept greater adventitious of earning bureau and bonus. Bureau
Junction offers accomplished befalling to Advertisers, Publishers, Advertising
bureau and alone website owners like you and me.
Please accomplish
abiding that you accept created an annual with Bureau Junction and anchored
your user ID and countersign to alpha out with associate bazaar affairs for
authoritative money online. For this you charge to accept a website of your own
and get log in approval first. Again and there it will acquiesce you to baddest
articles or casework accordant to your website affair and archetype its HTML
cipher and adhesive it into your webpage in an adapted abode area you would
like them to display.
Perhaps you are dying to
apperceive the way a bang on the ad hotlink is getting tracked. I won’t like
you accumulate cat-and-mouse for this as it is absolutely simple and easy. The
moment a company to your website clicks on the publisher’s ad, a cookie is set
on his/her arrangement to analyze and bethink this accurate link. Whenever this
hotlink is acclimated for authoritative a acquirement again the transaction
automatically gets tracked and recorded by CJ. After this, Bureau Junction
takes all-important proceeding to accord you the transaction you deserve on
So, what are you
cat-and-mouse for guys? Just focus on active added superior leads and sales to
the advertisers on Bureau Junction. Abode their ads on your website and blog
and accomplish money through one of the a lot of able online money
authoritative account i.e. Bureau Junction associate affairs while alive from
To Apply?
For Publisher A/c, just click here to apply
The internet has opened up many new
ways to earn money. Now almost everyone can easily start making money online.
While there are many methods and techniques to earn money on the internet,
sellingebooks, using the Amazon affiliate program and starting your own Yahoo
Store are some of the easiest for people who do not have much experience in
internet marketing.
money with ebooks
Ebooks are basically informational
content that is being sold online. Most of the ebooks being sold on the
internet are instructional how-to guides which answer people's questions about
a specific need. These could be guides on making money online, fixing computer
problems, training your dog, relationship advice and more.
What most people don't realize is
that while the sales pages may tout the guides as being the ultimate sources of
exclusive, top secret information that is impossible to find anywhere else,
this is actually far from being actually the case. The same information found
in these guides can usually be located by spending a few hours of searching and
putting together your findings. All that the authors do is rewrite common
methods, advice and information, and sometimes add their own advice based on
their knowledge of the subject. This means that you do not have to be a
professional writer to put together a successful ebook, but you should at least
have some knowledge and interest in the topic of the guide you are writing.
Once you have your ebook written,
you need a way to sell it. You will need to set up a website with a sales
letter that tells people what your product is about and most importantly why
they should buy it. While writing good sales copy takes some practice, you can
get some ideas from the sales pages of other products on the internet. To tak
payments and deliver the product, you can set up a "buy it now"
button in your PayPal account that will redirect buyers to download your ebook
once they have made the payment.To sell your ebook, you can buy text
advertisements and banner ads on sites which deal with the topic your ebook is
written about, such as forums.
While it may seem like a challenging
task at first, after you gain an understanding of the details of how to write
and promote ebooks, you can have a lot of success. For more information, you
can visit popular internet marketing forums such as The Warrior Forum
( and Digital Point (
to make money with the Amazon affiliate program offers an affiliate
program with which you can earn money by placing links to Amazon products on
your website or blog. Depending on the item that was bought by the client, you
will receive a commission ranging from 4% to 15% of its price.
Joining the Amazon Associates
program is easy, and can be done by visiting their website at .
To make money from Amazon's
affiliate program, you first need to have a website or a blog. For example, if
you have a blog that talks about books, you can put Amazon affiliate links to
the books that you recommend. You will then earn money if one of your visitors
makes a purchase using your link.
How to start your own Yahoo
A Yahoo store is a great tool that
lets small businesses sell their products online. To start building your store,
simply go to
You will then be able to choose the
package which suits your needs. Packages start at $39.95 and up, and vary
depending on the features offered.
Once you have signed up, you can
begin designing your store front, adding items, as well as customizing options
such as available payment methods. Yahoo makes it brain-dead easy for you to
accept payments online, prepare orders for shipping, track sent orders, as well
as manage your customer's information.
How to use Commission Junction
Junction is a little more difficult to get used to than Clickbank, but with a
little bit of practice you’ll be able to whiz around it in no time!
To get started with Commission Junction, go to the homepage at and click on Get Started.
Commission Junction calls affiliates “publishers”; to become a publisher, click on the Publisher image, which should highlight in blue. Then, to begin the signup process, click on ‘Get Started Now’
On the next page select “I do not have a CJ Publisher account, and wish to sign up”
Now you are in the signup form! Select your language, country and the currency you wish to use and click ‘next’.
To get started with Commission Junction, go to the homepage at and click on Get Started.
Commission Junction calls affiliates “publishers”; to become a publisher, click on the Publisher image, which should highlight in blue. Then, to begin the signup process, click on ‘Get Started Now’
On the next page select “I do not have a CJ Publisher account, and wish to sign up”
Now you are in the signup form! Select your language, country and the currency you wish to use and click ‘next’.
aware that the currency you select is the one shown when using CJ – e.g.
checking out commissions, viewing your income, etc, and doesn’t have an effect
on which currency you get paid in. However, make sure you’ve selected the
correct currency since this cannot be changed later.
You must then read through Commission Junction’s Publisher Service Agreement. Make sure you agree with their terms and conditions, their code of conduct, and their privacy policy.
Also be aware that you must be over 18 to sign up for CJ, and authorized to act on behalf of a company if you are signing up as a company.
Now you get to enter the useful information! Here you must put in details about your website. If you have more than one website, just enter the details of your best or most prominent website – you can add information about the other’s later.
Now, fill out your own details and how you’d prefer to be paid.
Once you’ve filled out all this information, click ‘Accept Terms’. Your application will be submitted for processing. Within the next 15 to 20 minutes you should receive an email from CJ that contains your login information.
To log in to CJ, go to the homepage and use the Client Login in the top right hand corner.
Once you’ve logged into Commission Junction, one of the first things you’ll need to do is fill out your tax information; the specifics of this will depend on whether you’re inside or outside the US, but to fill it out go to your account settings, click on administrative settings and then ‘edit’ your tax information. Please make sure you read the forms carefully to make sure you have the right one.
You must then read through Commission Junction’s Publisher Service Agreement. Make sure you agree with their terms and conditions, their code of conduct, and their privacy policy.
Also be aware that you must be over 18 to sign up for CJ, and authorized to act on behalf of a company if you are signing up as a company.
Now you get to enter the useful information! Here you must put in details about your website. If you have more than one website, just enter the details of your best or most prominent website – you can add information about the other’s later.
Now, fill out your own details and how you’d prefer to be paid.
Once you’ve filled out all this information, click ‘Accept Terms’. Your application will be submitted for processing. Within the next 15 to 20 minutes you should receive an email from CJ that contains your login information.
To log in to CJ, go to the homepage and use the Client Login in the top right hand corner.
Once you’ve logged into Commission Junction, one of the first things you’ll need to do is fill out your tax information; the specifics of this will depend on whether you’re inside or outside the US, but to fill it out go to your account settings, click on administrative settings and then ‘edit’ your tax information. Please make sure you read the forms carefully to make sure you have the right one.
Searching For An Affiliate Program
let’s approach some advertisers! To apply for programs, we need to go to the
‘Get Links’ tab. This will put you in the General Categories sub tab – from
here you can find advertisers in your specific niche.
For this video I’m going to take a look in the Health and Wellness niche. Once you’ve selected your niche, you’ll be presented with a list that looks a little like the following. Just a quick explanation of each of these columns:
This column is the ‘Advertiser’ – it’s the actual company doing the advertising. The ‘3 Month EPC’ Column is the calculated average amount of income earned from this advertiser for every 100 clicks their links got, based on three months worth of data. The 7-day EPC is the same, but based on the last seven days.
The Network Earnings column is basically a general scale to show the volume of commission that the advertiser has paid out to publishers; the more green, the better.
The Sale/Lead/Click columns are designed to give a summary of the advertiser’s commissions, and whether they are paying for Sales, Leads or Clicks.
The next column, Status, shows whether or not you are a part of this Advertiser’s program. Right now all Advertiser’s have a ‘No Relationship’ next to them.
Finally, ‘Category’ shows which niche the company is focused in.
For this video I’m going to take a look in the Health and Wellness niche. Once you’ve selected your niche, you’ll be presented with a list that looks a little like the following. Just a quick explanation of each of these columns:
This column is the ‘Advertiser’ – it’s the actual company doing the advertising. The ‘3 Month EPC’ Column is the calculated average amount of income earned from this advertiser for every 100 clicks their links got, based on three months worth of data. The 7-day EPC is the same, but based on the last seven days.
The Network Earnings column is basically a general scale to show the volume of commission that the advertiser has paid out to publishers; the more green, the better.
The Sale/Lead/Click columns are designed to give a summary of the advertiser’s commissions, and whether they are paying for Sales, Leads or Clicks.
The next column, Status, shows whether or not you are a part of this Advertiser’s program. Right now all Advertiser’s have a ‘No Relationship’ next to them.
Finally, ‘Category’ shows which niche the company is focused in.
Applying For An Affiliate Program
apply to an advertiser! I’m going to select the first one from the ‘Health and
Wellness’ niche. To apply, you can click on the company’s name to
pull up their details. Here you can read more information about them, how the
commission works, and if there are any restrictions around using their links.
Most publishers will restrict bidding on their trademarked names. Some publishers include other specific restrictions, so make sure you’ve read the details carefully.
Once you’re ready to Apply, just click on ‘Apply to Program’.
Note that some programs will automatically reject you, for whatever reason (e.g. too new, etc), but otherwise most Advertiser applications will sit in a queue until they either authorize or decline you.
For now, you’ll just have to wait until your applications are approved.
Now go to the ‘By Relationship’ tab; once your application is approved then you will be able to view the advertiser in your list here. You can also see your pending applications and declined applications.
To actually get your affiliate links, you will need to click on the advertiser in your list to load their details. On the right hand side you can select the type of link you’d like; for example, I want a text link. Once you click on the link type, you will be provided with a list of potential links you can use. These links might be for special offers or various products.
Most publishers will restrict bidding on their trademarked names. Some publishers include other specific restrictions, so make sure you’ve read the details carefully.
Once you’re ready to Apply, just click on ‘Apply to Program’.
Note that some programs will automatically reject you, for whatever reason (e.g. too new, etc), but otherwise most Advertiser applications will sit in a queue until they either authorize or decline you.
For now, you’ll just have to wait until your applications are approved.
Now go to the ‘By Relationship’ tab; once your application is approved then you will be able to view the advertiser in your list here. You can also see your pending applications and declined applications.
To actually get your affiliate links, you will need to click on the advertiser in your list to load their details. On the right hand side you can select the type of link you’d like; for example, I want a text link. Once you click on the link type, you will be provided with a list of potential links you can use. These links might be for special offers or various products.
example, Medifast has links for products such as The Medifast Program as well
as items such as coupons. Finally, in order to get your publisher link, click
on either ‘Get Javascript’ or ‘Get HTML’ on the right hand side. These will
only become available to you after your application has been approved.
Anyway, while you’re waiting for your first application to be approved so you can actually get links, let’s take a quick look around the rest of CJ.
To check your affiliate earnings with CJ, click on the ‘Run Reports’ tab. The information is fairly straightforward, and shows your current balance and commissions pending; Right now, they probably look like my account, if your account is brand new.
To get more detailed information, click on the ‘Performance Reports’ sub tab, which will provide you with more information in the date range you want. Again, right now you probably don’t have any data to show.
Finally, the other main component you need to know about right now is ‘Mail’. This is where you find out if your applications have been declined or approved, where you’ll learn about important updates and changes, and where you can contact advertisers.
And there we have it! That was a basic rundown of how to use Commission Junction; Feel free to go ahead and apply for some more programs!
Anyway, while you’re waiting for your first application to be approved so you can actually get links, let’s take a quick look around the rest of CJ.
To check your affiliate earnings with CJ, click on the ‘Run Reports’ tab. The information is fairly straightforward, and shows your current balance and commissions pending; Right now, they probably look like my account, if your account is brand new.
To get more detailed information, click on the ‘Performance Reports’ sub tab, which will provide you with more information in the date range you want. Again, right now you probably don’t have any data to show.
Finally, the other main component you need to know about right now is ‘Mail’. This is where you find out if your applications have been declined or approved, where you’ll learn about important updates and changes, and where you can contact advertisers.
And there we have it! That was a basic rundown of how to use Commission Junction; Feel free to go ahead and apply for some more programs!
you’re not already an affiliate through Commission Junction, why not? While it’s possible you
might have been scared off by negative rumors about the company
and the way it treats affiliates, it’s more likely you haven’t thought about the numbers.
those numbers suggest that you should check out Commission Junction, or “CJ.”
the top 500 retailers that use third-party affiliate marketing software, 62
percent of them use Commission Junction. Those retailers include big-name
brands such as Dell, Home Depot, Bed, Bath and Beyond and online shoe giant
regardless of where you are with your business, if you’re looking to become an
affiliate for retailers who sell physical goods online, it’s hard to ignore CJ.
While you can certainly build a business without it, you’ll probably be missing
some terrific opportunities along the way.
you’re selecting programs and products to offer on your site, here are five
affiliate programs from Cj that you’ll want to consider.
Hostgator – This web hosting program offers a
generous $100 per-sale commission to affiliates for any customer that signs up
for a hosting plan. While the web hosting niche is very crowded for natural
search affiliates, if you have a web design or information technology
consulting business, you can offer Hostgator through your website and earn a
little bit of money from your traffic.
$100 per sale
Length: 60 Days
Month EPC (U.S. Dollars): $47.02*
– is an on demand, custom printing service that creates a range or products
from business cards to postcards to T-Shirts to mugs. They roll a range of
offers that appeal to small businesses, consumers looking to customize a
variety of products, and for events such as weddings or Christmas.
10-20%; $3-30 per sale
Length: 60 days
Month EPC: $54.29
MacMall – This Apple Computer superstore is
known for a terrific selection, great customer service and the ability to use
bonuses to beat the prices of the Apple Store. If you’re blogging about
computers and looking for a program that allows you to discuss and review a
variety of Apple hardware, you’ll want to sign up for this program.
Length: 15 Days
Month EPC: $22.32
– If you’re a mommy blogger or running a website related to home organization
or home improvement, this is a program you’ll want to consider. They offer a
variety of home accessories, everything from ironing board holders to doormats
to laptop tables to automotive accessories. Think of Brookstone, but at a
Walmart price point.
Length: 45 Days 3 Month EPC: $40.35
Zappos – Do you blog about shoes, fashion
or cater to a demographic that buys shoes? If so you’ll want to consider
Zappos, the online shoestore powerhouse known for its terrific,
above-and-beyond customer service. While Zappos’ EPC is lower than some of its
competitors, it’s a brand name that’s known for great service, so you know that
your site’s visitors will be happy with their purchase. And hopefully that will
encourage them to come back to your site.
Length: 30 Days
Month EPC: $24.83
of your niche, you’re likely to find a great program on CJ. The only downside I
find with Commission Junction is that their affiliate interface is a bit
jumbled and not very easy to navigate. However, CJ has good customer service
and has been very helpful to me when I’ve run into an issue with a program.
Closer Look Into Commission Junction
You are reading this post so most likely, either you are
already considering joining Commission Junction affiliate program and you are
looking for more materials and research about it so you could make better
judgement. If not that, maybe you are still looking into different affiliate
programs so you could decide which one is best for you.
Either way, let me
help you on clearing up some of the things about Commission Junction. Commission Junction was actually born in 1998 and eventually it has been taken over by ValueClick in 2003. This is one of the biggest and most trusted affiliate marketing channels in the internet marketing business. It is the meeting place for thousands of merchant and vendors. Merchants are the people who have their own products to promote and sell. This may include eBooks, softwares or maybe membership programs or subscription. Vendors are more commonly addressed to as affiliates. Affiliates promote the products of other people and they earn income from the commission they will get from the sales that they close through their sites and promotional campaigns.
Commission Junction comes into the picture by managing the thousands of products and allowing merchants and vendors to trade and do business. It ensures that information exchange among the people involved are trustworthy and at the same time, the products are also in top quality.
Now, let us dwell into the details on how this program works.
In the earlier years when the internet marketing, most especially the affiliate marketing business has now fully flourished yet, this has been referred to as banner swap. This is also the same concept of direct ad placement. What happens is that people who publish their materials in the net would incorporate ads or links in their posts which redirects or leads web browsers to the actual website of the advertisers. The target of this was to promote the brand and products and boost up the sales of the sellers.
The generated income through commission from sales are called click throughs. This is because the person who incorporated the link to the advertisement will earn if the ad is successful viewed by someone. Pay out is determined in batches or in bulk. Maybe, this entails payment for every 500 or 1000 clicks or views.
So what is the reason why Commission Junction is very popular these days in the affiliate marketing world?
With my experience as an internet marketer, there ar several things that about Commission Junction which makes it one of the top affiliate marketing programs out there. Here are the good points of the program.
1. The price of commission being offered to merchants by Commission Junction is relatively higher and better compared to other affiliate marketing programs. This will lead to a trickle down effect. If merchants get better rates, then this would also affect the affiliates, making them earn more.
2. Unlike others, Commission Junction makes sure that the delays in payout will be avoided. Unlike others, Commission Junction will not make you wait for months before you could get your payment.
3. The improvements in the program are continuous. You will see that they deal with the feedback from the members and find solutions to make the business go more smoothly and contribute to the performance of the businesses of the merchants and affiliates.
4. Commission Junction is also patterned after the pay per click model which has been a proven method of increasing the earnings.
5. Commission Junction is also presenting a two tier commission strategy. They are offering additional earning if they get to encourage more people to join in the program. Apart from being able to sell the products or earn through promoting the products, additional payment will also be offered to you once you convince others to join.
6. It only gets better. When your referrals or the people you have encouraged to join was already able to earn their own commissions, you will also get 5%.
7. In receiving your commissions, Commission Junction will be the one to facilitate it. It will be done on a monthly basis and there are no minimum commission restriction.
8. You have the options on how you want to receive your payment. This may be through direct deposit or check, although the currency will depend on the preferred currency of the merchant.
9. You do not have to wait for a long time before you know if you got accepted or not.
It is pretty obvious that Commission Junction really offers a lot of benefits for you, right? Although, we have to accept the fact that things are not always perfect. There are some details that Commission Junction would still need to deal with. Since what I am trying to provide you with is an unbiased review about
Commission Junction, here are some of the things you need to know about. These are just some of the negative parts.
There is a limitation for the payment which is $50 if done through
direct depositing and $100 if the payment is made through check.
2. There are times when it is quite difficult to contact their customer care department. This is supposed to be operational 24/7, right? Hopefully, they have been exhausting ways to improve this already.
3. The protection for the income of affiliates is good only for six months. This I the point when they re not yet earning to big.
4. If you are coming up with an offer, some of it would have to be approved by merchants first.
Sometimes this would cause delays or maybe even rejection.
2. There are times when it is quite difficult to contact their customer care department. This is supposed to be operational 24/7, right? Hopefully, they have been exhausting ways to improve this already.
3. The protection for the income of affiliates is good only for six months. This I the point when they re not yet earning to big.
4. If you are coming up with an offer, some of it would have to be approved by merchants first.
Sometimes this would cause delays or maybe even rejection.
High Paying Affiliate Programs: Good Options for Affiliate Programs
Another one is They pay up to 50% commission from different hotels all over the world. What most people do realize because most people have used hotels before, average orders are usually $500 to $600. This is because people d not usually go to hotels for one day. They usually go to very nice hotels when they’re going on the internet to look for a hotel.The sign up page is It even says: For each new client making a new hotel club booking, you earn 50% of the net commission earned by So, you earn 50% of the net commission. Net commission means the total commission generated by hotelclub on each confirmed booking less processing fee.
So, you may make about $50 to $100 per sale on here but that’s still better than a $20 commission.
Another one is Beckersurf. Com. On this one you make 7% commission on a thousand dollar sale, 8% on $1000 to $5000 and 9% on $5000 and above sales. This are for surfboards and you know, surfboards are not cheap, to be honest with you.
When you go to their home page, you will see that they also sell clothes too. When you look at the surfboards, look at the prices of each. It costs $1200, $1300, surfboards are not cheap people. It is really easy to find expensive products online and become an affiliate. You just have to look at the right places. So on this, you would make a 7% commission is what the site is saying. So, that is a 70% sale.
There is also Resort Health Care. They pay $500 commission plus $100 to $200 for every month that the referral stays at the medical resort. So, it is a medical resort. This is pretty interesting. So, if someone goes to the resort, you make $500 and you make $100 a month as long as they stay as a member or you can get $300 a month if you refer 10 people.
So, there’s so many different high paying affiliate programs.
Affiliate Marketing - Commission Junction
Commission Junction is an online advertising company owned by
ValueClick. They are specifically in the affiliate marketing industry.
Commission Junction is the largest affiliate network in north America, powering almost 50% of the top 500 web retailers affiliate marketing programs and operates worldwide.
Today Commission Junction continues to move forward by offering a full suite of value-added services to customize its affiliate marketing solutions, dedicated support for top-performing publishers, as well as a fully managed search solution.
Commission Junction provides advanced performance marketing solutions that help marketers increase online leads and sales. By facilitating strategic relationships between advertisers and publishers, Commission Junction leverages its proven expertise in affiliate marketing and search marketing to drive measurable results for its clients.
Commission Junction's network, the CJ Marketplace, provides high rewards for publishers and extensive reach for advertisers while remaining the industry's most productive and only truly global network. Supported by our commitment to network quality, the CJ Marketplace provides an environment that fosters excellence in business practices while safeguarding the brands of our clients.
Commission Junction provides transparency by publishing the performance metrics of all advertisers, publishers and ads within the CJ Marketplace. This approach provides advertisers and publishers a way to gauge the value of their existing and potential relationships by using two key metrics - average earnings per 100 clicks (EPC) and network earnings.
By joining the CJ Marketplace, publishers and advertisers have a sophisticated, Web-based interface to access information, analyze results and manage their programs for success in real time. Read our FAQ for more details about the CJ Marketplace.
Apply to join advertisers programs, get immediate access to their entire inventory of links and begin placing their offers on your Web sites, in e-mail campaigns, or in search listings. In addition, strategic advice and featured weekly advertiser offers are available through CJU Online, our comprehensive online resource.
Commission Junction University - CJU
CJU is an annual affiliate marketing conference, which is organized by Commission Junction. The conference is for publishers and advertisers who use the CJ platform as well as for third party agencies and vendors who provide complimentary tools and services for the affiliate marketing industry.
Commission Junction is the largest affiliate network in north America, powering almost 50% of the top 500 web retailers affiliate marketing programs and operates worldwide.
Today Commission Junction continues to move forward by offering a full suite of value-added services to customize its affiliate marketing solutions, dedicated support for top-performing publishers, as well as a fully managed search solution.
Commission Junction provides advanced performance marketing solutions that help marketers increase online leads and sales. By facilitating strategic relationships between advertisers and publishers, Commission Junction leverages its proven expertise in affiliate marketing and search marketing to drive measurable results for its clients.
Commission Junction's network, the CJ Marketplace, provides high rewards for publishers and extensive reach for advertisers while remaining the industry's most productive and only truly global network. Supported by our commitment to network quality, the CJ Marketplace provides an environment that fosters excellence in business practices while safeguarding the brands of our clients.
Commission Junction provides transparency by publishing the performance metrics of all advertisers, publishers and ads within the CJ Marketplace. This approach provides advertisers and publishers a way to gauge the value of their existing and potential relationships by using two key metrics - average earnings per 100 clicks (EPC) and network earnings.
By joining the CJ Marketplace, publishers and advertisers have a sophisticated, Web-based interface to access information, analyze results and manage their programs for success in real time. Read our FAQ for more details about the CJ Marketplace.
Apply to join advertisers programs, get immediate access to their entire inventory of links and begin placing their offers on your Web sites, in e-mail campaigns, or in search listings. In addition, strategic advice and featured weekly advertiser offers are available through CJU Online, our comprehensive online resource.
Commission Junction University - CJU
CJU is an annual affiliate marketing conference, which is organized by Commission Junction. The conference is for publishers and advertisers who use the CJ platform as well as for third party agencies and vendors who provide complimentary tools and services for the affiliate marketing industry.
Affiliate Marketing - LinkShare
Among the more popular affiliates is LinkShare. Through it
merchants and affiliates meet. LinkShare maintains and manages affiliate
marketing programs for a great number of merchants with various kinds of
businesses, products and services. It also has over 6,000 affiliate site
members in its network.
LinkShare gains profit from the setup fees, monthly account maintenance fees and commissions. Joining networks like LinkShare can be of great help in establishing your online marketing business. Whether you are a merchant or an affiliate marketer, you need to research well on your partners in order to choose the best for you.
LinkShare provides the facility of acquiring access to a large network of advertisers (merchants) who offer their affiliate programs to publishers (affiliates) who are willing to promote their products. In the same manner, it gives the merchants access to a large network of affiliates who are searching for affiliate marketing opportunities.
LinkShare is especially beneficial for an affiliate in choosing his partners since he can find his options all in one location. It would be easier for him to compare products, commission rates and other benefits given by the merchant. The merchant usually just waits for interested affiliates to sign up in his affiliate marketing program but being in the network increases his chance to promote his products to a larger market, thus, maximizing his potential to gain huge profit.
To help you decide whether to use large affiliate networks such as LinkShare or not, let us try to look deeper into its positive and negative sides. The primary advantage of LinkShare to you as an affiliate is convenience. As earlier mentioned, you find different pieces of information about your choices simultaneously all in a single location, so you save time and effort looking for affiliate programs or merchants.
It is also easier to track performance of your business partner through monthly reports and statements, as well as its sales and commission rates, so you know whether the affiliate program is still worth continuing. If you have signed up for several affiliate programs, you can check all your statistics for each merchandiser you are affiliated with by logging in just once.
LinkShare helps you manage and maintain all records of your visitors click-throughs and sales transaction. It takes care of your commissions and gives it to you monthly in lump sum. Especially when you have more than one merchant partner, it would be easier for you to manage your accounts and track your earnings when you are affiliated through a marketing program network.
Furthermore, every information you get is accurate and secured, so you are protected from all the risk you might encounter. Above all, you can enjoy LinkShare benefits for free. You just have to go to their site and register your website. Instantly, you get access to a great variety of affiliate programs available for you.
So, what is on the negative side? Although, it is indeed helpful to join affiliate marketing networks such as LinkShare, there are some disadvantages, too. For one, merchants offer lower commissions to affiliates who partner with them through the third party program network. This because they still have to pay for the use of service and the technology provided by LinkShare.
Direct partnership with the merchant cuts costs of advertising through the network and so the affiliate has bigger potential to earn more. Moreover, it is possible that your payment may be delayed for a month or more since program networks would pay you only after the advertiser or the merchant has paid them.
Do you need to use LinkShare or other networks? It depends, actually. You can opt for direct partnership with the merchant, but this choice is not applicable all the time. There are a lot of merchandisers who offer their affiliate program only through affiliate program networks and thus, you have no choice other than joining the network to get into the affiliate marketing program. So you are faced with take it or leave it situation. But LinkShare and other program networks are not that disadvantageous. After all, whether you join it or not, earning big would depend more on your promotional strategies and persistence.
Sign Up For LinkShare
Login For LinkShare
LinkShare gains profit from the setup fees, monthly account maintenance fees and commissions. Joining networks like LinkShare can be of great help in establishing your online marketing business. Whether you are a merchant or an affiliate marketer, you need to research well on your partners in order to choose the best for you.
LinkShare provides the facility of acquiring access to a large network of advertisers (merchants) who offer their affiliate programs to publishers (affiliates) who are willing to promote their products. In the same manner, it gives the merchants access to a large network of affiliates who are searching for affiliate marketing opportunities.
LinkShare is especially beneficial for an affiliate in choosing his partners since he can find his options all in one location. It would be easier for him to compare products, commission rates and other benefits given by the merchant. The merchant usually just waits for interested affiliates to sign up in his affiliate marketing program but being in the network increases his chance to promote his products to a larger market, thus, maximizing his potential to gain huge profit.
To help you decide whether to use large affiliate networks such as LinkShare or not, let us try to look deeper into its positive and negative sides. The primary advantage of LinkShare to you as an affiliate is convenience. As earlier mentioned, you find different pieces of information about your choices simultaneously all in a single location, so you save time and effort looking for affiliate programs or merchants.
It is also easier to track performance of your business partner through monthly reports and statements, as well as its sales and commission rates, so you know whether the affiliate program is still worth continuing. If you have signed up for several affiliate programs, you can check all your statistics for each merchandiser you are affiliated with by logging in just once.
LinkShare helps you manage and maintain all records of your visitors click-throughs and sales transaction. It takes care of your commissions and gives it to you monthly in lump sum. Especially when you have more than one merchant partner, it would be easier for you to manage your accounts and track your earnings when you are affiliated through a marketing program network.
Furthermore, every information you get is accurate and secured, so you are protected from all the risk you might encounter. Above all, you can enjoy LinkShare benefits for free. You just have to go to their site and register your website. Instantly, you get access to a great variety of affiliate programs available for you.
So, what is on the negative side? Although, it is indeed helpful to join affiliate marketing networks such as LinkShare, there are some disadvantages, too. For one, merchants offer lower commissions to affiliates who partner with them through the third party program network. This because they still have to pay for the use of service and the technology provided by LinkShare.
Direct partnership with the merchant cuts costs of advertising through the network and so the affiliate has bigger potential to earn more. Moreover, it is possible that your payment may be delayed for a month or more since program networks would pay you only after the advertiser or the merchant has paid them.
Do you need to use LinkShare or other networks? It depends, actually. You can opt for direct partnership with the merchant, but this choice is not applicable all the time. There are a lot of merchandisers who offer their affiliate program only through affiliate program networks and thus, you have no choice other than joining the network to get into the affiliate marketing program. So you are faced with take it or leave it situation. But LinkShare and other program networks are not that disadvantageous. After all, whether you join it or not, earning big would depend more on your promotional strategies and persistence.
Sign Up For LinkShare
Login For LinkShare
Commission Junction will put you on track to succeed in affiliate marketing
Rarely are the most successful Internet businesses the
simplest to understand and start up. But offers a user-friendly approach to
affiliate marketing–an unparalleled system that’s drawing the world’s top
companies as advertisers and turning regular working people into successful
Internet businessmen. But don’t take my word for it: flip through the paper,
turn on the financial news, or simply talk with those in the “know”—affiliate
marketing is big and getting bigger. And Commission Junction is a key industry
Often times when you hear about proven Internet-based
businesses, you’re skeptical. But Commission Junction’s plan is so easy to
understand and implement into your life, that once you hear the details you’ll
no doubt realize that it’s not only here to stay, but it’s here to thrive.
Commission Junction isn’t some fly-by-night Internet
operation that you so often read about. In fact, the company was recently named
as one of the fastest growing technology companies by Deloitte and Touché. And
with a growing list of well-respected advertisers, it’s clear that Commission
Junction is a true standard bearer in the affiliate marketing business.
How it works!
Commission Junction takes two different Internet
entities—publishers and advertisers—and helps both grow and prosper through a
proven, mutually beneficial affiliate marketing system. Sure, there are a bunch
of pretender companies trying to do the same thing, but Commission Junction
differentiates itself from the competition with its thorough, detailed
First, there are the advertisers. And these advertisers
aren’t fringe companies that you’ve never heard of. Commission Junction’s
impressive network comprises more than one thousand top-performing companies,
including Major League Baseball, Yahoo, Philips, Toshiba, Citi, eBay and the
New York Times. This is important because these are the advertisers that you’ll
be selling, but let’s not jump ahead. Obviously, these are companies with a
proven record of making sound business decisions, and their choice to join the
Commission Junction network shows just how respected and valued this company
Publishers are everyday folks
Then there’s the publishers—this is where you come in.
Publishers are everyday folks like you and me. They don’t even need to be
Internet experts, because with Commission Junction the learning curve is so
quick and easy. The only thing that distinguishes these publishers from the
rest of us is that they made the decision to give it a try, and they haven’t
looked back once.
Publishers need two things: 1) a website to market
these advertisers on, and 2) a strong desire to make a lot of money. Publishers
can choose from millions of ads to display on their sites, and once the link is
up, they simply sit back and wait for the commissions to tally up.
There’s nothing to lose—potential Commission Junction
publishers can create accounts for free. And there’s everything to gain.
That’s where the third party, Commission Junction,
comes in. Commission Junction tracks all traffic between publishers and
advertisers. Just think about that for a few seconds—that’s the traffic from
every ad on every publisher site. It’s overwhelming just to imagine. That’s why
you can’t trust your affiliate marketing business to just anyone.
Superior reporting tools
But doesn’t just track each transaction, it offers
superior reporting tools so that publishers and advertisers can get
up-to-the-minute details about their business 24 hours a day, and make any
necessary tweaks to ensure maximum profitability. Publishers who really want to
excel can set up an ad rotation system and even use exclusive Commission
Junction technology to predict the earnings of ads before entering partnerships
with given advertisers. And that’s just the beginning.
Of course, many of you are probably saying: “It sounds
great. But how do I get paid?” Well, every time someone visits your site and
clicks through an ad in Commission Junction’s network, and goes on to make a
transaction on that advertiser’s site, it’s money in your pocket—more money
than you might imagine. Commission Junction has the tools, expertise and
experience to help you earn thousands of dollars a month in commissions—whether
affiliate marketing becomes your full-time job or just a source of supplemental
Everyone wins
The advertisers receive increased site traffic directed
from publisher sites. And publishers receive generous commission checks each
month for the transactions that they’ve generated.
Another way in which Commission Junction places itself
among the pay-for-performance elite is through its commitment to education.
Commission Junction University is an annual event in which industry
professionals network with their peers and take in the latest trends through
classes and speakers. CJ University 2003 featured a number of industry heavy
hitters as speakers, including Good Morning America Internet expert Tiffany Shlain and
representatives from eBay and QVC.
The Santa Barbara-based Commission Junction was founded
in 1998 by two ambitious Internet businessmen, Chairman of the Board Lex Sisney
and current Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Office Per Pettersen.
The company is led by President and C.E.O. Jeff Pull, formerly with ChemConnect
Inc. and IMX Exchange Inc.
Big things are on the horizon for Commission Junction
Commission Junction recently forged a partnership that
will only strengthen its already superior management team and resources. In
December, Commission Junction was officially acquired by ValueClick, a proven company that provides superior products and
services aimed at helping publishers, agencies and advertisers recruit and
retain online business. ValueClick, which also owns affiliate marketer Be Free,
will be able to provide Commission Junction publishers and advertisers with an
even stronger network and more versatile marketing tools. Under this
arrangement, Commission Junction and Be Free will combine forces and will be
led by Jeff Pullen, who has been named general manager of the Be
Free/Commission Junction subsidiary of ValueClick.
As you can see, big things are on the horizon for
Commission Junction. Affiliate marketing is already a $95 billion industry, and
you can bet that Commission Junction will continue to be a key driver of this
business through its new partnership. And you can be part of this success just
as easily. What are you waiting for?
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