Wednesday, 2 May 2012

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Tags::::::::Earn, Money, Internet


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Affiliate Networks

Commission Junction has the most merchant partners signed up of all the main networks.  They have the best organized directory of affiliate programs to help you identify not only which companies' affiliate programs to join, but even which specific ads might be the most effective to run on your site. Webmasters from around the world can sign up and be paid in their choice of 27 currencies - CJ will issue one check for all your affiliate programs. Commission Junction's website is available in 12 different languages as well! CJ's merchants include AutoByTel, Capitol One,, Compaq, eBay, FlipDog, Flowers USA, Harlequin Romances, HotJobs, New York Times, SportMart, Telocity, Tower Records, USA Today
If you want to make money from your website - Join the Commission Junction Network as a Publisher today!

LinkShare administers a large affiliate network whose merchants include a wide range of e-commerce companies, including, Avon,,, CarsDirect, CBS SportsLine, Columbia House,, Dell Computer, Disney, Eddie Bauer, FTD, Hallmark, Handspring, JC Penny, JCrew, L.L.Bean, McAffee, OfficeMax, Omaha Steaks,,, Sony Music,, and  If you are looking for UK or Japanese programmes, you're in luck as Linkshare offers these affiliate programmes for you, too!

ShareaSale runs an affiliate network with 100s of merchant programs to advertise. Expand your web site revenues with ShareaSale.
To join ShareaSale as an Affiliate click:

By joining more than one network, you open up a much greater selection of affiliate programs to choose form.
The affiliate networks will you save countless hours scouring the Internet  looking at individual web sites for details of their affiliate programs. They help you keep track of the programs you signed up for among all their merchant clients, and some issue a single combined check on a regular basis. They provide a central site to visit in order monitor the commissions you are generating.  When you visit these sites, you can browse through their lists of merchants and select the ones that suit your site and your visitors best.



If you're not accepting banner ads and joining affiliate programs, then your Web site probably is not earning as much   money as it could be. An increasing number of Web site owners are converting small portions of their Web space to   cash through the use of affiliate banner ads and strategically placed text links.
"Affiliate marketing is beginning to form the basis of most sites’ marketing and advertising campaigns," says    Gordon Hoffstein, president and CEO of Be Free, Inc. The company manages affiliate programs for online    merchants, currently boasting more than 2.4 million affiliates in its sales channels. Hoffstein believes that     affiliate program advertising will grow even more as site owners begin to realize its benefits and weed   out less effective banner ads.

While many site owners are reluctant to send visitors to other sites, Ryan Adams, whosesite evaluates affiliate programs, said the advantages of well-implementedaffiliate programs outweigh this concern.   Topping his list is added value to the Web site’s
visitors. Affiliate programs allow Web sites "to reach out and provide value to their visitors
that they might not otherwise be able to. For example, a site about cars might want to be able
 to offer their visitors a way to shop for insurance easily and quickly." And the best part? "The owner
 of the car site can do what he or she does best: create content about cars, and attract
visitors interested in cars," Adams says.

Affiliate programs provide benefits to Webmasters, advertisers, and visitors alike by
offering visitors easy access to a more diversified product or service line without the
 expense of additional warehousing or site development on the part of the Web
site owner. For advertisers, it’s a no-risk proposition: their products or services are
exposed to the site’s visitors, but the advertising costs nothing if the product doesn’t sell.
Another benefit, according to Hoffstein, is that "merchants are more efficiently able to
 attract and retain customers because they are placing their links in-context to where

their potential customers will go on the Web." And visitors benefit by learning about
new Web sites that they might not have found on their own -- and by having the option
to purchase a product or service instantly.

Potential income from affiliate programs can vary from nothing to several thousand
dollars a month. A ClickQuick survey found that only 8% of the respondents made
more than $500 per month and most respondents were making between $50 and $300
per month. However, the One and Only Network's top affiliate for December 1999
made more than $12,000 in one month, proving that the potential is there, if you
can take advantage of the opportunities.

Affiliate Programs Explained

Unlike the old days of advertising when advertisers paid to place ads and
Webmasters were paid based on the number of times an ad was displayed,
affiliate programs only pay for results. What defines a result differs from
program to program: some programs, such as, pay every time
someone clicks through and visits the site; others pay every time someone
registers for a free service; and still others, such as, pay only
when someone comes from your site and makes a purchase.
Some affiliate programs pay varying rates for registrations, click-throughs,
and purchases. There are also variations within programs: pays
15% if you link directly to a book that gets purchased and 5% of purchases if
you just link to the main page. Affiliate programs that pay commissions also

 vary on how they pay. Some pay only if a sale is made on the initial visit, while
others encourage users to register with the site and pay the initial referrer a
commission on all subsequent sales.

Determining who came from what site and what they purchased is a daunting task,
 especially when you consider that some sites have huge numbers of associates. For
 instance, currently has more than 300,000 affiliates and this number
 is growing. Merchants have solved this problem by assigning each affiliate a unique
ID and embedding this ID into the link placed on the affiliate site. If you’re an affiliate and place a banner on your site, every time someone clicks through to, the visit is tracked and if the customer buys something, you get credit.
Some companies turn the management of their affiliate programs over to third parties,
such as Be Free, Inc., and Commission Junction. These companies
 track click-throughs, issue checks, and provide an easy way for affiliates to research
and sign up for hundreds of affiliate programs at one site. More importantly, from an
affiliate’s viewpoint, they require merchants to make deposits into escrow accounts
to cover affiliate program costs -- and they will post a notice telling current and
 would-be affiliate members which merchants are out of cash and aren't paying affiliates.
Many affiliate programs pay out monthly after you've earned a certain amount. This minimum
varies from $25 to $50 per month. Other programs pay out quarterly and have minimums ranging
from $50 to $200. Watch for these terms to be explained upfront in your affiliate agreement
and find out whether you would be notified via email if payout terms change.

Finding and Choosing the Right Ones

Finding worthwhile affiliate programs can be difficult and time consuming. If you’re not
sure what’s available, the easiest way to find many different affiliate programs in one place
 is by signing up with Commission Junction, Be Free, Inc., or
These companies manage hundreds of affiliate programs and allow you to sign up for
multiple programs by filling out a single form. If there's a particular company with which
 you would like to affiliate, but it isn't listed with one of the affiliate managers, try the direct
approach. Most companies will list affiliate opportunities under the "About Us," "Affiliates,"
"Partnerships," or "Opportunities" sections of their Web site. You can also watch the banner
ads that scroll across your screen as you're surfing the net, because chances are if you see a
banner, the site has an affiliate program.

It's important to choose your affiliate programs wisely. Join only those programs that
 you can believe in. Some things to consider when choosing an affiliate program:
Choose products and services that will appeal to your visitors. Never dilute
the appeal of your own site by offering affiliate products or services outside your
     own audience demographic. "Carefully target the affiliate programs and their products
    and services sold to the interests of your visitors," says Ryan Adams of
    "Even a top-notch, high-commission program will perform poorly if it is not targeted
    towards the right audience." If you sell children's clothing online, consider affiliating
    with an online toy store. If you sell office supplies, partner with an online provider
    of business services. By targeting your advertising to your customers, you'll have
    a higher click-through percentage than if you choose partners at random.

    Choose Web sites with a good reputation.
    No matter how limited or valuable your time may be, invest some time in thoroughly
    investigating your potential affiliate partners. Never join an affiliate program that offers
    ower quality service or products than your own -- otherwise, your own reputation will
    suffer by association. You can find information about online companies
    at RedHerring.Com and Internet.Com. You can find reviews of affiliate
    programs at and
    Don't be lured by big, one-time payouts.
    Some Webmasters, new to the affiliate game, will be lured by the large
 payouts offered by many companies for free registration and will load their
    advertising space with sponsors paying for registration. Signing up with companies
    that pay several dollars per registered visitor could add up a lot faster than $0.02 per click.

However, many visitors won't take the time to complete the registration process
    and other visitors will already be members, which means you get nothing even
     if they click through to visit the site.

    Diversify to stabilize your income.
    Choose partners with a variety of payout methods so that you can create a
     stable base of income. For instance, if you choose only partners that pay commissions
    based on sales, you could have an income that varies widely from month to month.
    However, if you choose a mix of affiliate programs with some paying per click,
    some for registration, and some for sales, you'll create a more stable income.
    You might also want to consider when programs pay out and choose some
    with monthly payouts and others with quarterly payouts.

    Read affiliate agreements carefully.
    Some agreements will specify that you cannot display advertisements for similar
    sites and some may specify that you use only banners and not text links. Unless
    you comply with all terms in the affiliate agreement, you will likely find yourself
     short-changed on payoffs. And you can potentially cut off other revenue
    streams that could be more lucrative.

    Choose affiliate programs that meet your navigation objectives.
    While some affiliate programs specify exactly how banner and text links
    must be created, others will allow you to open links in a separate browser
    window -- allowing your customers to remain on your site at the same time
    that you take advantage of your affiliate opportunities.

    Choose products and services that don’t compete with what you offer.
    Last but not least -- the obvious: if you're a small bookstore, don’t partner with Even if you think that customers will appreciate the opportunity to
    find items that you do not stock, you’ll more likely discover that your customers
    prefer the lower prices that a huge chain can offer -- on all the items.

Taking the Plunge

After you've chosen the affiliate partners with whom you'd like to associate, you'll need to fill
out an application and tell them about yourself and your Web site. Others will carefully review
your site for content, number of hits, and current affiliate programs. Acceptance criteria vary
widely. DirectLeads, for instance, requires that sites have 3,000 unique visitors per month, while's affiliate agreement states that sites can be rejected if they discriminate on the basis
 of race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; promote illegal
activities; or contain little or no original content.
Some programs review sites immediately, while others take several weeks to give you
a decision. You should be notified via email either way and if you're accepted, you'll be
sent your affiliate ID and told where you can find the html code you'll need in order to
place the appropriate banners or text links on your site. If you are
 not accepted, you may be told why your site was not accepted and given the option
of reapplying when you meet their criteria.

Following the Rules

It's important to follow the rules when you participate in affiliate programs or you'll
 find your membership terminated or suspended. Each affiliate agreement is slightly
different, but many contain directions concerning the following:

    Placement of Ads: Your agreement will likely specify the size, style, and
    number of ads that you can place per page, and identify whether you can
    use ads in newsletters or exclusively on your Web site. Most request ads
    to be located in a "prominent place" on the site, but a few will be
     very specific about ad placement.

    Site Content: Site content provisions vary widely. Some simply specify that
    you will not post adult content on your site and others require that your site has
    valid content concerning a particular topic -- rather than serving primarily
    as a portal site with a collection of links.
    Exclusivity: Some agreements require that you not accept advertisements
    from similar sites.
    Use of Links: Most agreements require that you use links exactly as provided
    without any modifications.
    No Spam: All agreements prohibit the promotion of their site through
    the use of unsolicited email.

Maximizing Your Profits

Making money with affiliate programs isn't as simple as putting up banner ads and
expecting the checks to roll in. You'll need to do some work to get the maximum
payout from your affiliate programs. Here are some simple steps you can use to
make affiliate programs work for you:
    Keep it Clean: Nothing turns visitors off faster than pages and pages
     of banner ads. Most visitors will quickly click to another site if your
    opening page is too "busy" or slow to download. As's
    Ryan Adams puts it: "The number-one way [to get visitors to return] is
     to offer a reason for those visitors to come back. If your site is on some
    free web host, and is filled with 25 banner ads for affiliate programs
    on the first page, your visitors have no reason to return. Matter of fact,
    they will usually hit the Back button to leave before they click an
    ad to go to an affiliate partner."

    Use Text Links: Web users are becoming immune to banners and
    will ignore them. But if you include links within an article or include a
    text link and a description, visitors are more inclined to visit the referenced site.

    Provide Related Content: Content is what brings users to your site and
    what will keep them there. Take some time to develop relevant, actionable
    articles that will provide your visitors with truly useful information rather than
    simply regurgitating the same "old" material offered on similar sites.
    A site offering garden supplies can engage visitors by offering zonal growing tips,
    targeted industry news, frost warnings, and top-notch features and discussion pieces
    -- as well as a forum area where members can post questions and discuss the topics in the articles.

    Monitor Your Results and Adapt as Necessary: Take advantage of the
    up-to-the-minute tracking offered by most affiliate programs. Check your results
    often and make changes as necessary. If your banners aren't working, try text links. If your
     hottest affiliate program is buried 3 levels into your site, move it to the front page and see
    if your results improve.'s Affiliate Manager Shawn Collins has seen positive
     results by moving ads around and featuring different products. Collins said, "We feature
     different books on our homepage from time to time and whichever book we feature at a
    given time tends to outsell the others which are only featured in our bookstore."

    Take Advantage of Special Offers: Many sites run daily, weekly, or monthly
    specials -- and provide related banners! For instance, MotherNature.Com recently
    ran a promotion offering $20 off on a visitor's first purchase.

    Increase Your Hits: Take steps to increase your hits through search
    engine placement and newsletters; the more people visit your site,
 the more people will visit your sponsors.

Future Trends

Affiliate programs are the wave of the future, according to some Internet experts.
 A study by Forrester Research showed that on average, affiliates of top retailers
generate 13% of total online revenues and will increase to 21% by 2003.
According to Ryan Adams, "Affiliate programs will continue to evolve.
The concept is still fairly new, and the boundaries are still being tested. I think
 in the near-term we will see more competition for quality affiliates.
This means higher commissions or special bonuses to attract and retain the top sites."
What changes might we see in the longer term? Adams thinks more programs will
 move to help webmasters better integrate products and services for sale into their
content. "Banner ads are poor performers for referring product sales, so affiliate
programs will need to better teach their affiliates how to creatively integrate links,
and also provide additional tools to reduce the manual work
required in setting up and maintaining links."

Starting with a Bang

Building an online empire isn't an easy proposition. It takes hard work, products
you believe in, relevant content, excellent customer service, and repeat customers.
Carefully chosen affiliate programs can help build your online business

by providing a steady cash flow and bringing visitors back to your site.
And who knows, maybe one day you'll be successful enough to
sponsor an affiliate program of your own.


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